Gayle Stahl
My name is Gayle Stahl. I am the Executive Director/President for Hope House. My husband and I live on a farm near Hithcock, SD and we have two children. In my free time I enjoy baking, reading, and napping. The Hope House has been a dream of mine for quite some time. I recognized a need in Huron after taking a Bible study into the Beadle County Jail. I met women that were suffering from addictions and did not have a safe place to go after being released from jail. God laid a sober living home on my heart and the rest is history. God called us to be servants and that includes serving and loving His people. It is my heart's desire to genuinely love people.
Deb Smith
My name is Deb Smith. I am a member of the board of directors for Hope House. I live in a small town close to Hope House. I have done many things from living in a third world country working with local government economic and social development, to running a small airline that serviced remote island atolls. My most recent venture was being a property manager. I am looking forward to the next adventure. I have five adult children (2 girls and 3 boys) and 10 grandchildren. I believe we all have a purpose in this life, and I have been blessed to be asked to join this dedicated group in helping women live a sober life. I work with the residents with anything financial. It is a very rewarding experience to walk with these women.